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Practice Areas - Real Estate Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 04-10-2012 Practice Area: Real Estate
Deal Title: Berjaya development of the Four Seasons Hotel, Kyoto Industry: Travel & Leisure
Leading international law firm Clifford Chance has advised Berjaya Land Berhad on its US$320 million (RM976 million) development of the Four Seasons Hotel in Kyoto, which is scheduled to open in early 2015. The development is the Berjaya's first hotel development project in Japan and the group's third major project in North Asia. The Clifford Chance team was led by Tokyo partners Leng-Fong Lai and Eiichi Kanda, assisted by counsel Satoshi Nomura and associates Yo Suzuki, Suguru Kimura and Tomoko Azami.
Financial Center: Tokyo Value: 100.01-500.00
Advised Party: Developer Law Firm
Development Jurisdiction Japan Developer Jurisdiction Japan
Classification: Real Estate Development Hotel
Lawyer Leng-Fong Lai