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Project Finance and Infrastructure Law Firms and Lawyers

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Practice Areas - Project Finance and Infrastructure Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 12-03-2012 Practice Area: Project Finance and Infrastructure
Deal Title: Malakoff 1000MW Tanjung Bin Power Plant Industry: Electricity
Leading international law firm Clifford Chance has acted as international counsel to lenders to Malakoff Corporation Berhad, via its wholly-owned subsidiary, Tanjung Bin Energy Issuer Berhad, on RM6.5 billion financing for a new 1,000 MW supercritical coal-fired power plant. It will be built adjacent to the existing Tanjung Bin power plant. The senior debt facilities include the issuance of a RM3.29 billion serially-amortising senior secured Islamic bond (Sukuk), a US$400 million term loan and a RM700 million term loan. The junior facility comprises equity loans of RM1.3 billion. Ting Ting Tan was supported by counsel Matthew Buchanan and senior associates Anton Trixl, Joanne Quek and Daniel Cookson.
Financial Center: Singapore Value: 500.01-1000.00
Advised Party: Debt Provider Law Firm
Project Location Malaysia Equity Sponsor Malaysia
Classification: Project Finance Power
Lawyer Ting Ting Tan