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Practice Areas - Real Estate Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 18-01-2016 Practice Area: Real Estate
Deal Title: Allianz Real Estate Acquisition of Central Shopping Center, Bratislava Industry: Real Estate Investment & Services
Clifford Chance advised Allianz Real Estate on the successful acquisition of 100 percent of the shares of the company that owns Central Shopping Center in Bratislava. The seller was a member of the IMMOCAP group, a Slovakian real estate developer. The transaction, with a deal value in the region of EUR175 million, was the first real estate investment in Slovakia for Allianz.
Financial Center: Prague Value: 100.01-500.00
Advised Party: Purchaser Law Firm
Real Estate Jurisdiction Slovakia Purchaser Jurisdiction Germany
Classification: Real Estate Acquisitions and Disposals Shopping Centre
Lawyer Emil Holub