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Debt Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

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Practice Areas - Debt Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 01-10-2014 Practice Area: Debt Capital Markets
Deal Title: Burgan Bank - Perpetual Tier 1 Capital Securities Industry: Banks
Dentons advised Burgan Bank on the issuance of USD500 million Perpetual Tier 1 Capital Securities, which completed on 30 September 2014. The Capital Securities were listed on the Irish Stock Exchange and represented Kuwait's first ever Basel III-compliant regulatory capital issuance. HSBC Bank acted as Global Coordinator, and, together with Citigroup, J.P. Morgan and National Bank of Abu Dhabi, as Joint Lead Managers, in relation to the issuance of the Capital Securities.
Financial Center: Dubai Value: 100.01-500.00
Advised Party: Issuer Law Firm
Issuer Jurisdiction Kuwait Listing Jurisdiction UAE
Classification: Corporate Bonds Subordinated Debt
Lawyer Alex Roussos