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Practice Areas - Corporate and M&A Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 12-07-2016 Practice Area: Corporate and M&A
Deal Title: Goldman Sachs/Silverfern Group Acquisition of Continental Bakeries Industry: Food Producers
Hammarskiold and Co assisted Goldman Sachs in the acquisition of Continental Bakeries. Goldman Sachs and the Silverfern Group jointly acquired Continental Bakeries from NPM Capital, a subsidiary of SHV. Continental Bakeries is one of the leading bakery groups in Europe. Among others the acquisition involves the Swedish household-brand Gille.
Financial Center: Stockholm Value: 0.00-0.00
Advised Party: Private Equity Investor Law Firm
Target Company Jurisdiction Sweden Acquiror Jurisdiction United States
Classification: Financial Buyer Acquisitions Secondary Buy-Out
Lawyer Erik Fahlgren