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Practice Areas - Real Estate Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 06-07-2015 Practice Area: Real Estate
Deal Title: Oaktree Acquisition of FMS Spanish/Portuguese Portfolio Industry: Real Estate Investment & Services
Herbert Smith Freehills advised Oaktree on its acquisition of the entire Spanish and Portuguese portfolio of assets (REOs and shares) and loans of FMS Wertmanagement Anstalt des offentlichen Rechts. The transaction was structured through the purchase of the loan portfolio held by FMS and the direct acquisition of the real estate assets held by FMS's debtors and their shares. The underlying assets acquired include the emblematic C/ Gran Via 68 building in Madrid as well as a factory outlet centre and the retail warehouse located at Mega Park in Barakaldo. The cross-practice team was led by Madrid partners Nicolas Martin and Pablo Garcia-Nieto
Financial Center: Madrid Value: 0.00-0.00
Advised Party: Purchaser Law Firm
Real Estate Jurisdiction Portugal,Spain Purchaser Jurisdiction United States
Classification: Real Estate Acquisitions and Disposals
Lawyer Nicolas Martin