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Debt Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

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Practice Areas - Debt Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 12-11-2018 Practice Area: Debt Capital Markets
Deal Title: The Sultanate of Oman Issuance of Seven-Year Sukuk Certificates Industry: Public Sector
The Sultanate of Oman sold USD1.5billion seven-year Sukuk certificates, its second foray into the international debt capital markets in 2018 following its issuance of USD6.5bn sovereign bonds in January. Linklaters advised the banks on the deal, including Citigroup, HSBS, JP Morgan, Gulf International Bank and Standard Chartered.
Financial Center: Dubai Value: 1000.01-5000.00
Advised Party: Lead Manager Law Firm
Issuer Jurisdiction UAE Listing Jurisdiction UAE
Classification: Sovereign and Public Sector Bonds Sovereign Bonds
Lawyer Jonathan Fried