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Equity Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

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Practice Areas - Equity Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 21-10-2022 Practice Area: Equity Capital Markets
Deal Title: Mobileye Global Inc. NYSE Initial Public Offering Industry: Technology Hardware & Equipment
Mobileye Global Inc., a leader in the development and deployment of advanced driver-assistance systems and autonomous driving technologies and solutions, completed its initial public offering on October 28, 2022. The IPO, together with a concurrent private placement, generated net proceeds of approximately $0.9 billion. Following the IPO, Intel Corporation retains approximately 94 percent of Mobileye's outstanding equity.
Financial Center: Silicon Valley Value: 500.01-1000.00
Advised Party: Underwriter Law Firm
Issuer Jurisdiction- United States Listing Jurisdiction- United States
Classification: Initial Public Offerings NYSE
Lawyer John L Savva