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Debt Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

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Practice Areas - Debt Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 21-11-2014 Practice Area: Debt Capital Markets
Deal Title: Drake and Scull International Murabaha Sukuk Issuance Industry: Construction & Materials
Simmons and Simmons advised Drake and Scull International on the issuance of a USD120 million unrated senior unsecured five-year Sukuk by way of private placement. The issuance represents the first Sukuk to utilise as its underlying assets certificates issued through the new NASDAQ Dubai Murabaha Platform. The Sukuk will be due on 12 November 2019 and redeemed fully at maturity. Dubai based partner Muneer Khan, who heads the international Islamic finance practice at Simmons and Simmons, led on Islamic finance aspects. Abu Dhabi based partner Haitham Hawashin and London based partner Piers Summerfield provided debt capital markets support. The team also included Islamic finance specialist Ahmed Butt and associates Samir Safar-Aly, Leon Yap and Noor Heialy.
Financial Center: Dubai Value: 100.01-500.00
Advised Party: Issuer Law Firm
Issuer Jurisdiction UAE Listing Jurisdiction UAE
Classification: Islamic Finance Islamic Finance Bonds and Sukuk Murabaha:
Lawyer Muneer Khan