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Equity Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

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Practice Areas - Equity Capital Markets Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 26-02-2015 Practice Area: Equity Capital Markets
Deal Title: Zenterio AB Issuance of New Shares Industry: Media
Gernandt and Danielsson advised Zenterio AB in connection with a capital raising. Gernandt and Danielsson advised Zenterio AB (publ) in connection with an issue of new shares to Swedish and international investors and in connection with Zenterio's acquisition of Systemagic AB, where part of the payment consisted of new shares in Zenterio. The issues together amount to approximately SEK 80 million. Systemagic develops IPTV-platforms, interactive TV services, Ux and applications such as video, music and advertising. Carl Westerberg.
Financial Center: Stockholm Value: 0.00-100.00
Advised Party: Issuer Law Firm
Issuer Jurisdiction - Sweden Listing Jurisdiction - Sweden
Classification: Secondary Offerings and Placings
Lawyer Carl Westerberg