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Practice Areas - Corporate and M&A Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 05-04-2017 Practice Area: Corporate and M&A
Deal Title: Kaching Equity Investment from Creades Industry: Media
Setterwalls advised Kaching in connection with an investment from Creades amounting to SEK 15 million. Among the owners were founder Mathias Plank, Richard Bage, Rustan Panday and Daniel Soussan. Kaching in collaboration with Apple developed a digital and mobile checkout solution (Mobile Point of Sale) based on the iPad and iPhone. Kaching planned to start rolling out its solution towards Apple Premium Resellers in the spring of 2017.
Financial Center: Stockholm Value: 0.00-100.00
Advised Party: Investee Law Firm
Investee 1 Jurisdiction Sweden Investee 2 Jurisdiction Sweden
Classification: Venture and Growth Capital Digital Media
Lawyer Anders Soderlind