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Corporate and M&A Law Firms and Lawyers

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Practice Areas - Corporate and M&A Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 19-08-2016 Practice Area: Corporate and M&A
Deal Title: Nokia Growth Partner/Draper Esprit Investment in Lifesum Industry: Travel & Leisure
The exercise and fitness service Lifesum attracted investment of USD10m, approx. 85 MSEK to finance their global expansion. The investment was partly from their exsisting owners Bauer Media and Sparklabs as well as from venture capitalists Nokia Growth Partner and Draper Esprit.
Financial Center: Stockholm Value: 0.00-100.00
Advised Party: Target Company,Investee Law Firm
Target Company Jurisdiction Sweden Acquiror Jurisdiction Sweden
Classification: Financial Buyer Acquisitions Minority Investment Venture Capital
Venture and Growth Capital Retail/E-Commerce
Lawyer Marcus Nivinger