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Real Estate Law Firms and Lawyers

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Practice Areas - Real Estate Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 20-02-2015 Practice Area: Real Estate
Deal Title: Byggvesta Acquisition of Flemingsberg Land from Akademiska Hus Industry: Real Estate Investment & Services
Byggvesta acquired land in Flemingsberg from Akademiska Hus. The plan is to create 450 students and researchers apartments. Byggvesta was represented by Setterwalls, the team consisted of responsible partner Assur Badur, project manager Malin Loveborg and associate Nicole Hervidsson.
Financial Center: Stockholm Value: 0.00-0.00
Advised Party: Purchaser Law Firm
Real Estate Jurisdiction Sweden Purchaser Jurisdiction Sweden
Classification: Real Estate Acquisitions and Disposals Student Accommodation
Lawyer Assur Badur