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Practice Areas - Corporate and M&A Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 23-06-2016 Practice Area: Corporate and M&A
Deal Title: Verdane Capital VIII F/S Investment in Enferno AB Industry: Software & Computer Services
Setterwalls assisted with respect to a venture capital investment in Enferno AB. Enferno AB, a leading Swedish tech company, attracted approximately SEK 20M in venture capital from Verdane Capital VIII F/S for accelerated expansion in the rapidly growing European market for cloud-based e-commerce system. The proceeds from the new issue were be used to finance the continued product development, marketing support, recruitment, and accelerated expansion in Europe.
Financial Center: Stockholm Value: 0.00-0.00
Advised Party: Target Company,Investee Law Firm
Target Company Jurisdiction Sweden Acquiror Jurisdiction Sweden
Classification: Financial Buyer Acquisitions Minority Investment Venture Capital
Venture and Growth Capital Software
Lawyer Hakan Fohlin