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Project Finance and Infrastructure Law Firms and Lawyers

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Practice Areas - Project Finance and Infrastructure Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 30-06-2016 Practice Area: Project Finance and Infrastructure
Deal Title: Manor Group Joint Venture for Construction of Lyrestad Wind Farm Industry: Alternative Energy
Vinge advised Manor Group in connection with Rabbalshede Kraft AB's (publ) joint venture with Ardian Infrastructure regarding the construction and operation of the wind farm Lyrestad with twenty-two wind turbines and a total effect of 76 megawatt. Manor Group is the majority owner of Rabbalshede Kraft. Google entered into a long-term Power Purchase Agreement for the purchase of the entire target full-year production of the wind farm of 234 GWh.
Financial Center: Stockholm Value: 0.00-0.00
Advised Party: Equity Sponsor Law Firm
Project Location Sweden Equity Sponsor Sweden
Classification: Project Finance Renewable Energy Wind Farms
Lawyer Peter Sundgren